Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Interviews with Lois Lowry

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

8th Grade Lit Terms: Spring Exam 2018

8th Grade Lit Terms: (From Romeo and Juliet)

Allusion: a reference to a historical or literary figure.

Dramatic irony: when the audience knows something the cast (or character) does not.

Soliloquy: A speech made by one cast member to the audience only.

Foil: foil is a character who contrasts with another character - usually the protagonist— to highlight particular qualities of the other character. 

Monologue: a long speech delivered by a character.

Hyperbole: Exaggeration for (humorous) effect.

Malapropism: the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect, as in, for example, “dance a flamingo ” (instead of flamenco ).

Oxymoron: a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.
Ex. “solar powered flashlights,” or “fireproof matches.”

Foreshadowing: a warning or indication of a future event in advance of it happening.
Ex. Mrs. Schächter’s visions of fire before they arrive at Auschwitz.

Anthropomorphism: (from Maus) the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object. (Ex. Art Spiegelman drew the Jewish people as mice and the Nazis as cats.)

Monday, May 7, 2018

7th Grade Spring Exam Study Guide 2018

7th Grade Final Exam Study Guide                                                                   Spring 2018

To Create YOUR study guide you will need to collect the following from your I.S.N:
I.               A Midsummer Night’s Dream:
-        A Midsummer Night’s Dream important character quiz
-        Acts 1-5 quizzes (Quotation Identifications)
-        AMND essay
II.              Poetry:
-        “O Captain”/”Do not go gentle”/”black parade” packet
-        Poem Analysis  worksheets
-        Poetic Terms Quiz
-        Class notes from poetry
III.            Grammar and Writing Skills:
-Review Grammar: Sentence fragments, run-on sentences, adding details, parallel structure, wordiness, clichés, formal vs. informal English usage.
-Review Formal MLA format: heading, font, size, spacing, Works Cited page, margins, page numbers.
IV.            Etymology Words and Roots:

-Create a list of all words and roots for Etymology.

8th Grade Spring Exam Study Guide 2018

8th Grade Final Exam Study Guide: LANGUAGE ARTS                                Spring 2018
To Create YOUR study guide you will need to collect the following from your I.S.N:
I.               Romeo & Juliet:
-        R+J important character quiz
-        Acts 1-5 quizzes (Quotation Identifications)
-        Romeo & Juliet essay

II.              Advanced Poetry:
-        All printed poems in ISN.
-        Poem Sonnet Analysis worksheets
-        Poetic Terms
-        Class notes from poetry

III.            Night:
-        All Night notes
-        Night  vocabulary words
       IV.          Maus I & II:
-        All Maus I & II notes, Maus I worksheet, reflections, and final “panel exploration” test.
-        Maus vocabulary words worksheet
        V.          Grammar and Writing Skills: Review our class video on Ms. Nadow’s YouTube channel!
-        Review Punctuation: End marks, abbreviations, commas in compound sentences and series, other comma uses, semicolons and colons, quotation marks, apostrophes, parentheses, hyphens, dashes.
-        Review types of sentences: additional practice worksheet to be distributed in class.
-        Review parts of speech: Adjectives, nouns, adverbs, double negatives, misplaced modifiers, prepositions and prepositional phrases, conjunctions, interjections, and more…
-        Sentence fragments, run-on sentences, adding details, parallel structure, wordiness, clichés, formal vs. informal English usage.

VI.            Etymology Phrases, Words and Roots:

Create a list of all words and roots for Etymology.